#include <Servo.h> // include servo library Servo sv1; // create a servo object void setup(){ sv1.attach(10);// servo motor will be controlled by pin 10 Serial.begin(9600); // starts a serial monitor for value checking } void loop() { int x = analogRead(A0); //A0 pin for reading x value int y = analogRead(A1); //A1 pin for reading y value int angle1 = map(x, 0, 1023, 0, 150);//moving up to 150 from 75 in x value. sv1.write(angle1); //set the srvo position according to the joystick value int angle2 = map(y, 0, 1023, 0, 150);//moving up to 150 from 75 in y value. sv1.write(angle2);//set the srvo position according to the joystick value // Write the current values to the serial monitor Serial.print("angle1:"); Serial.println(angle1); Serial.print("angle2:"); Serial.println(angle2); delay(15); //adding delay }