Creating a schematic, circuit, and code that uses a transistor to control load power separate from logic power. You have to use analogWrite(), a high-load output device, and an input sensor
//set pin numbers const int ledPin = 10; //the number of the lED pin const int ldrPin = A0; //the number of the LDR pin int sensorValue = 0; // value read from the photoresistor int outputValue = 0; // value output that is mapped out void setup() { // initialize serial communications at 9600 bps: Serial.begin(9600); //initialize the LED pin as an output pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); //initialize the LDR pin as an output pinMode(ldrPin, INPUT); } void loop() { // read the ldrLED in value sensorValue = analogRead(ldrPin); //map it to range of analog out outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255); // When output value is equal to or less than 200, turn the LED on if (sensorValue <= 200) { // turn on LED digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); Serial.println("LED is ON"); // if the output value is greater than to 200, turn the LED off } else { // turn off LED analogWrite(ledPin, 0); Serial.println("LED is OFF"); } }
Tada! Once covering the area and minimizing exposed light near photoresister, this beautiful LED strip turns on!